The two sections of Poipu Beach are divided by Nukumoi Point (a strip of sand called a tombolo, created by ocean currents rushing from opposite directions). The left side is a protected sandy-bottomed pool of water surrounded by lava boulders perfect as a wading spot for small children, and the right side is an open bay great for swimming, snorkeling, and surfing.
Hawaiian Monk Seals are critically endangered and usually solitary creatures that weigh 400 - 600 pounds each, but one momma seal has delivered and weaned her pups on this beach for the past couple of years and her small family now comes with a Monk Seal Watch team to protect them.
The human swimmers are watched by lifeguards on duty and there are restrooms, showers, and free parking facilities available. The park's grassy picnic area is a nice place to eat under shady coconut trees.
Poipu is a popular and safe beach with crystal clear water, great reefs and tide pools to explore.
To get there, turn off Hwy. 530 onto Poipu Beach Rd. then right onto Hoowili Rd. where you'll find the beach parking lot.