The "Road to Hana" is an experience. Located at the far Southeastern corner of Maui, half of the pleasure of Hana is the two hour drive that hugs the rugged coast with its tropical rain forest and many waterfalls. The road is perfectly drivable by any rental car - you do not need a 4WD vehicle. Sometimes the road goes from pavement to gravel but it is graded and consistent. Start early in the morning to get the best use of sunlight and to avoid the crowds. There are many waterfalls near the road and they are all beautiful to look at - pull over and take a look. Between the 15 and 16 mile markers, there is a hill - it is where King Kamehameha fought the Maui King warriors and defeated them. Further on the road, Nahiku is one of the most luxuriant and green areas of Maui. Flowers and plants grow strong, tall and green here and, once you see it, you will never forget its beauty. Don't miss the Blue Pool waterfall and swimming hole - another one of the many memorable vistas and locations along the road to Hana.
Hana itself is one of the most peaceful places in Maui where no one rushes to do anything. Hana Bay has a beautiful black sand beach where it is quite safe to swim. On the other side of the Ka'uiki Head peninsula at the South end of Hana Bay is the Red Sand Beach - while the swimming is not excellent, the walk and the colors make it memorable.