Information on Exploring the Napali Coast of Kauai
Information on Exploring the Napali Coast of Kauai
The Na Pali Coast on Kauai is one of the most spectacular, picturesque and beautiful coastlines to be found anywhere in Hawaii. The Napali Coast features many of the Kauai tours and Na Pali Coast tours which include eco tours, Na Pali Coast hikes, a variety of cruises, and kayaking the Napali Coast. There's no doubt about it! The Na Pali coast is simply spectacular.
The Napali Coast is isolated from the rest of Kauai by its tremendous and almost impassible cliffs which descend thousands of feet from the mountains above directly into the ocean. This coastline is believed to have been the original home of the first Hawaiians arriving on Kauai.
Although the environment with its steep cliffs and often harsh ocean conditions may seem inhospitable, it actually provided very nourishing living conditions. There was plenty of fresh water, the valleys were lush with abundant fruit and plant life which also allowed for a certain degree of cultivation and the ocean waters provided amble quanties of fresh fish and marine life. Small villages were established and thousands of Hawaiians were known to have lived back up in these beautiful valleys. The Na Pali Coast is very, very special.
The cliffs consist of a robust tapestry of deep and narrow valleys ending abruptly at the sea. Geologically speaking, this type of valley is referred to as a "hanging valley". Instead of the valley continuing onward along the sea floor out to sea it ends abruptly at the sea shore where the constant and vigorous wave action carves the valley floor away at cliffs edge. Waterfalls and raging streams continue to this day to cut these narrow valleys. Extensive stone walled flat terracing can still be found on the valley floors where Hawaiians once lived and harvested their taro.
There is a vast array of boats that ply the waters off the Na Pali coast to witness natures spectacle from the perspective of the ocean, to snorkel the beautiful waters and to experience the numerous dolphins and whales (in season) along the way. Our "fleet" varies from large and stable power driven vessels to sail boats to zodiac rafts. The majority of boats will depart from Port Allen or Waimea areas. Trips also vary with the time of year.
Summer is the most opportune time to visit the Na Pali coast as the sea conditions are usually much milder. The winter time brings in the northern swells and often makes the waters along the Na Pali coastline very treacherous and impossible to negotiate, however some winter days can be excellent as well.